
Protein Production Network Sweden (PPNS)

29 May, 2017

The Protein Production Network Sweden (PPNS) is an informal network formed in 2013 between protein production facilities at Swedish universities. The overall aim is to make competence and protein production methodologies available to the Swedish academic life science community and to make best use of our available resources.

PPNS facilities participate on different terms depending on their local structure and governance. Within the network we can transfer projects between the sites and help scientists to find the facility best suited for a specific project. Please contact any of the facilities, contact information can be found at each site’s web page.

PPNS has also useful contacts with other protein production sites that are not devoted to service but still might be able to assist or collaborate in projects within their specific area of expertise. Therefore, feel free to contact us even if you do not find the particular service you look for on our web pages.

PSF – Protein Science Facility (KI); LP3 – Lund Protein Production Platform (LU); PEP – Protein Expertise Platform (UmU); PEC – Protein Expression and Characterization (SciLifeLab); MPE – Mammalian Protein Expression (GU); SNC – Swedish NMR Center or “NMR for life” (GU)